An independent archive of typography.

Das tapfere Schneiderlein

Photo(s) by altpapiersammler. Imported from Flickr on Mar 11, 2019. Artwork published in .
Das tapfere Schneiderlein
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “gutenberggotisch”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Title page of a booklet from 1918 with a dramatized version of the fairy tale The Valiant Little Tailor. The typeface is Gutenberg-Gotisch, first cut by Friedrich W. Bauer together with Theodor Friebel, following specifications by Karl Rupprecht. It was cast by Bauer & Co in halbfett (1881) and mager (1882) weights. In his 1928 chronicle about German typefoundries, Friedrich Bauer (no relation) mentioned that Gutenberg-Gotisch found an unusually wide distribution. It was also carried by Brendler, Fischer, Brockhaus, Scholz. Caslon in England had it as Black No. 4, Conner in the US as Hamburg Series. By 1918, it was available from Berthold as well as from Schelter & Giesecke. The type used for this print apparently was pretty worn down: the thin spikes to the right of a or f have vanished.


  • Gutenberg-Gotisch



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