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Masken-Ball, Männer-Gesangverein Typographia München

Photo(s) by Kirsten Solveig Schneider. Imported from Flickr on Feb 23, 2020. Artwork published in
circa 1912
Masken-Ball, Männer-Gesangverein Typographia München 1
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Kirsten Solveig Schneider and tagged with “behrensschrift”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Invitation for a masked ball organized by the male choral society Typographia, reproduced in Typographische Mitteilungen, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 1913:

Männergesangsverein Typographia München
Samstag, den 8. Januar 1913, abends 8 Uhr
im großen Saale (2. Stock) der Zentralstelle
Während der Pause gelangt zur Aufführung «Im Hofbräuhaus»
Komisches Singspiel von Georg Köhler

Behrens-Schrift is used in three sizes, with both forms of s (“Komiſches”), ligatures for ch ck ſt, and outward-pointing guillemets (« »). Note the use of letterspacing for emphasis in Georg Köhler’s name. The illustration is signed by Otto Obermeier (1883–1958).

The second image shows the bold weight of König-Antiqua.

Masken-Ball, Männer-Gesangverein Typographia München 2
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Kirsten Solveig Schneider and tagged with “königantiqua”. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Behrens-Schrift
  • König-Antiqua




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