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Cori Corinne portfolio website

Contributed by Cori Corinne on Jan 9th, 2022. Artwork published in .
Cori Corinne portfolio website 1
Cori Corinne. License: All Rights Reserved.

Designer for employment. Writer for fulfillment. Artist for growth. Defining yourself as a creative and curating an experience for those to perceive you and your work is challenging. No matter the design your image is subjective to those who interact with it. With that in mind, I designed an experience that not only showcased my work, but my range of interests as a creative and the intersection of my process as an artist, designer and writer. I’m looking to guide users into experiencing the vast layers of personal reflection while getting a sense of who I am as an independent creative and who I am as complex human being.

Ivar Display Condensed was one of my favorite typefaces of 2021 for my personal brand. It’s bold, elegant, feminine and structured with how the condensed letterforms fit together. Using Ivar Display Condensed at a larger scale adds a personal flair to what can feel like a very straightforward site experience. Neue Haas Grotesk contrasts the condensed serif while also complementing its structure.

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Cori Corinne portfolio website 2
Cori Corinne. License: All Rights Reserved.
Cori Corinne portfolio website 3
Cori Corinne. License: All Rights Reserved.
Cori Corinne portfolio website 4
Cori Corinne. License: All Rights Reserved.
Cori Corinne portfolio website 5
Cori Corinne. License: All Rights Reserved.
Cori Corinne portfolio website 6
Cori Corinne. License: All Rights Reserved.

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