An independent archive of typography.

Inspiration Information by Raissa Pardini

Contributed by Michele Galluzzo on May 25th, 2022. Artwork published in
circa March 2022
Inspiration Information by Raissa Pardini 1
Raissa Pardini. License: All Rights Reserved.

Inspiration Information is a typographical installation designed by the multi-disciplinary designer and type artist Raissa Pardini for Ses12naus in Ibiza. Pardini describes the project as follows:

I was invited to Ibiza by curator Linda Rocco and foundation Ses12Naus in February for an art residency. I’ve never attended an art residency before but I felt at a point of my carrier where everything was too comfortable so I urged to challenge myself by pushing my creativity to places I’ve never pushed it to before. It was awkward and hard at times but our best work comes out of struggle.

Me and another 8 international artists were invited to work on the presence of the island, exploring Ibiza and take inspiration from the frequencies and magnetism the island offers during the winter. I started thinking about the contrast between its presence in the summer – when tourism is booming – and the winter, when the island offers locals unique smells, stunning views and interesting sounds that lived there for thousands of years and will always be present in Ibiza, no matter what happens in the summer.

I spent weeks recording anything I could pick up in Ibiza. By recording the sound that organically came out of the island I produced a track with Diego Torán that invites people to meditate to the real presence of the Ibiza.

Once the track was done, I produced a big wooden box which I painted completely black inside and tested the sound there. I wanted people to feel very connected with the island and really isolated at the same time. Next step was covering the box and I had the idea of making posters out of some of the sound I recorded and promote them as street posters, looking like they should be from dance clubs in Ibiza.

That way I managed to promote the listening space as a club, tricking tourists and music lovers to come and enjoy the real presence of Ibiza.

I present you (proudly!) my first installation which it was launched in Ibiza through an exhibition on the 6th of March, 2022. This is the first time I combined music and art in the same art piece. I guess I needed to do both separately for a while without rushing.

Inspired by the island and its (real) sound. Also inspired by Futurism, Russolo and ambient artists like John Cage.

Wood, paper, ink, glue, sound, 237×126 cm. The fonts in use include Brass, Sea weed (or probably its digital incarnation named Polly), Euphoria, Crayonette DJR, and a slightly modified Redaction 70 Italic. The typeface made of dots is yet unidentified. [edit: it’s ARK-ES, see comments.]

Inspiration Information by Raissa Pardini 2
Raissa Pardini. License: All Rights Reserved.
Inspiration Information by Raissa Pardini 3
Raissa Pardini. License: All Rights Reserved.
Inspiration Information by Raissa Pardini 4
Raissa Pardini. License: All Rights Reserved.
Inspiration Information by Raissa Pardini 5
Raissa Pardini. License: All Rights Reserved.

2 Comments on “Inspiration Information by Raissa Pardini”

  1. The one made of dots is ARK-ES by Eddie Stuart.

  2. Thanks a bunch, Jay! Added.

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