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Kunsthandlung Wilhelm Abels ad

Photo(s) by altpapiersammler. Imported from Flickr on Aug 6, 2023. Artwork published in .
Kunsthandlung Wilhelm Abels ad
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “behrensantiqua”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Behrens-Antiqua (1907) in use for a print ad by Kunsthandlung Wilhelm Abels from 1909. Note the ligatures for ch and ck in which the letters are connected by a horizontal serif at the top. The typesetter used a long s (ſ) in “graphiſch”, but not in other places where it would have been called for, like “Kunſthandlung”, “Künſtler”, “Ausſtellungen”.

Wilhelm Abels (1867–1948) founded a frame factory in Cologne in 1899. Two years later, he added an art store located on Schildergasse. It was re-established in 1919, now as Kunstsalon Hermann Abels on Hohenzollernring, after the business had closed during the war.


  • Behrens-Antiqua




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